Church services


Contact us

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Local news


Revd Dr Sam Muthuveloe
priest@willenchurch.org - 01908 668829

LLM Margaret Moakes
margaret@willenchurch.org - 01908 237915

LLM Stephen Fletcher
stephen@willenchurch.org - 07428 118450

Churchwarden, Brad Stone
warden@willenchurch.org - 01908 990901
And very happy to announce Janet Hawkins will soon be joining me.

Brief newsletter notices

Church secretary

Free church membership and and safeguarding queries

Willen Church Hooke Heritage Project

Meta logo
St Mary Magdalene church, Willen
Willen Village Heritage Association

Find us
The church pre-dates postcodes.
When visiting, please use Newport Road: MK15 9AA

or the What3Words app - free from Google play and the Apple store
For the church entrance: amuse.winning.soups

For the free car park, church side of Milton Road: MK15 9JJ
or What3Words: reclining.honey.form

For official wedding and funeral vehicles, the war memorial, Milton Road: MK15 9AB
or What3Words: flying.quietest.coins






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